About Us

We are an experienced team of professionals with over four decades of combined conflict experience.
adjective BRITISH
1. High quality services tailored to individual needs
1. Providing individual services which are usually offered as a package

Over 40 years of combined business and law expertise

Michael Butterfield and Jayne Embree have extensive experience in solving problems. Before becoming a lawyer, Michael ran a number of successful businesses. Jayne has a Master’s degree in Psychology and studied conflict resolution at the Justice Institute.

Michael and Jayne have also been married for 19 years. They work as an effective team relying on each other’s skills and expertise to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to conflict resolution.

Michael Butterfield, J.D.

Michael Butterfield is a conflict resolution lawyer in Victoria, BC. He has almost 20 years of experience as a lawyer. He currently writes and teaches in the areas of ADR, family law, interpersonal violence and business practices.

Michael has successfully resolved cases throughout British Columbia and the Yukon.  He is an accredited Family Mediator, Arbitrator, and Parenting Co-Ordinator.  He uses his 16 years of experience to help high conflict parents work together for the good of their children.

Michael is also accredited as a Civil Mediator and Arbitrator through MediateBC and Arbitration. He practices in the areas of contract, construction, and personal injury mediation.

Michael mainly focuses on resolving conflicts without the need and expense of court proceedings.

Jayne Embree, M.A.

Jayne holds a Master’s in Clinical Psychology from the University of Victoria.  She has extensive mediation training from the British Columbia Justice institute. Jayne also worked for the Ministry for Children and Families for 12 years in their Child and Youth Mental Health Division.

Jayne was trained in Collaborative Family Law and is a highly experienced Divorce Coach and Child Specialist. Her work with children and families give her unique insight into parenting during separation.


Contact Butterfield Law

Unsure of where to start? We will help you determine the best legal approach to your situation.


402-2020 RICHMOND RD

Call or Fax Us

Phone: (250) 382-4529
Fax: (250) 480-1896