Top 5 Financial Mistakes in Divorce

There are lot of traps to avoid in divorce. Some can be simple things, like not having enough information, and some can be complex like knowing the right approach to use. The following are five major financial mistakes, which can be easily avoided. Being In The Dark About Family Finances…

Grandparents- Visitation & Decision Making

Grandparents often think that they know best when it comes to their grandchildren.  But what are their limitations when it comes to parenting decisions and visitation? It can be in a child’s “best interest” to have a relationship with their grandparents. However, if the grandparents are not “guardians”, their participation…

Grown Children & Child Support

Reaching “the age of the majority” does not end a parent’s obligation for child support.  For parents engaged in a high conflict divorce, this milestone can actually add stress and conflict to the family system. Graduation from highschool can be a difficult transition when it comes to child support. A…

When Does Child Support End?

Parents are required to support  their children. This is the case even if they do not see them on a regular basis, and also when they share parenting time with the child. Child Support is the money one parent pays to the other to help provide for the daily needs…

Child Home Alone Attracts Child Protection

At what age can a child stay home after school on their own? A B.C. Supreme Court Judge has supported a Social Worker’s conclusion that children under the age of 10 should not be left on their own. This conclusion is based on the September 15, 2015 Reasons For Judgment…