Drones Used To Help Both Criminals & Police

  Drones, mini-helicopters equipped with high definition cameras, have been used by burglars as well as police, in relation to criminal activities. Drones, mini-helicopters equipped with high definition cameras, have been used by burglars as well as police, in relation to criminal activities. On May 18, the Telegraph reported that…

ICBC Claim Collapses Due to Facebook Posts

A Squamish woman lost potentially thousands of dollars in her ICBC claim, due in part to the physically active and happy photos she posted on Facebook. Judge, in ICBC Claim case, rejected Sarah Tambosso’s testimony that she suffered from Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and a mild traumatic brain…

Cyclist Found At Fault For Her Own Accident

A 17 year old girl cyclist who crashed into a moving car after watching the sunset at Wreck Beach was found 65% at fault, in a Supreme Court decision on April 14, 2015. Cyclist Rachel Matkin had been drinking and smoking marijuana at Wreck Beach, with her friend Assis Briochi-Serrano…

Pink Concert blamed for bad parenting

A New Jersey father used a Pink Concert to try and persuade a family court judge that his ex-wife was a bad parent, in a family court case released April 25, 2015. The Pink concert was the final straw for father, C.Z. He and mother D.Z., were engaged in protracted litigation…