What is a Parenting Co-ordinator?

Parenting coordination is an approach to resolving ongoing parenting issues once a parenting plan has been established. Most parenting plans are in the form of a court order or written agreement. These normally deal with guardianship, parental responsibilities, and parenting time (access). However, no agreement can cover all contingencies. Parenting…

Top 5 Tips For Negotiation

Negotiation occurs when two parties communicate to resolve a problem.  It is based on the principal of “give and take”, and an assumption that both parties have equal decision making capabilities. People negotiate things every day.  When you barter the price for something you wish to buy, you are negotiating….

Extraordinary Expenses

Extraordinary expenses are those costs above and beyond what would normally be covered by child support. They are governed under Section 7 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines. What kinds of things potentially qualify as extraordinary expenses? childcare needed due to the custodial parent’s employment, illness, or education medical premiums,…

Taking the Mystery out of Legal Fees

Chances are that, if your only experience with lawyers is watching Law and Order or Ally McBeal, the cost of legal fees may come as a shock.  Most people do not give much thought to the cost of hiring a lawyer, until they need one. It is good to remember…