How you respond to a car crash matters.
STEP 1 – After a car crash think “Safety First”
- It is safe to do so, move the vehicles off the road.
- If anyone is injured in the car crash, call 911.
STEP 2 – Details
- Record information:
- Driver’s name, licence number, contact information;
- The make, model, year, and licence plate for the other vehicle;
- The Driver’s insurer, especially if the vehicle is from out of province.
STEP 3 – Witnesses
- Were there any witnesses to the accident? Bystanders?
- Collect witness contact information (names, phone numbers, addresses).
STEP 4 – Records
- Record additional details related to the crash:
- Photos of your car, their car, injuries, or take notes (on paper, phone, tablet).
- Consider the date and time of the accident, location, direction of travel, road conditions.
- Use ICBC’s Crash Scene Details card to record details, or draw a diagram of your own.
STEP 5 – Health
- Are you and your car in safe condition to drive home?
- Do you have a friend to call, or a way to get home safely?
- If you are injured in a car crash, or have any aches or pains afterwards, attend a clinic immediately.
- Make an appointment with your family doctor. Report all your symptoms. Follow their recommendations.
STEP 6 – Report Claim
- Call ICBC (or other insurer if you have an alternate).
- Stick to the facts.
- Be careful what you say-they will record everything.
- Talk to a lawyer before you sign anything.
- ICBC Dial-a-claim can be contacted toll-free by calling 1-800-910-4222, or by completing an on-line form.
- ICBC will walk you through having your car assessed, so you can get it fixed.
- It is mandatory to report all motor vehicle accidents that occur in BC to ICBC.
STEP 7 – Call a Lawyer
- You can request a free consultation.
- A lawyer can give you advice about how to interact with ICBC, and the kinds of compensation you may expect to receive for your accident.
- We recommend you consult several lawyers before you choose one.
- With Personal Injury Cases, lawyers usually charge a contingency fee, so you will not have to pay a lawyer up front.
What is a “contingency fee”?
Payment to an attorney for legal services that depends, or is contingent, upon there being some recovery or award in the case.
Michael Butterfield, a local Victoria lawyer advised, “If you are in a car crash, it is much better to have a lawyer from the beginning. He emphasized, “Even small accidents can have big consequences.”
Jayne Embree
Jayne holds a Masters in Psychology and is a highly experienced Divorce Coach and Child Specialist. She is currently the Office Manager of Butterfield Law.