Choosing a Counsellor During Divorce
A female counsellor sits with a young girl doing art therapy in a counselling session for family separation.
A female counsellor sits with a young girl doing art therapy in a counselling session for family separation.
Three smiling young children splash in the water of a pool during their summer holidays.
Separation and Back To School Getting children and families set up for school year schedules after a long summer break is complicated for everyone. When you add separation into the equation, planning can only get more complicated. Everyone involved wants the back to school process to be as smooth as…
Planning required to travel abroad with children, especially when separated or divorced.
Why Back to School Time is so Stressful For Separated Families & What You Can Do to Cope: September can be a stressful time for families, but even more so for separated or divorced ones. Parenting Time Changes For children who have two homes, there can be dramatic changes in…
There are free services available to help families in many aspects of family law. These services help to compliment those that a Lawyer or Mediator can provide. The following are what we, at Butterfield Law, believe are the most useful free services for families: 1.LEGAL AID: Can’t afford a lawyer…