What are “Grounds for Divorce” in BC?

Court Procedure made simple The “grounds for divorce” are the reasons you can use for seeking a divorce. Divorces are governed by the Divorce Act of Canada. You can get a divorce for one of the following reasons: You and your spouse have lived separately and apart for at least…

What Is A Judicial Case Conference?

Judicial Case Conference in BC – Procedure made simple What is a Judicial Case Conference? A Judicial Case Conference in BC (JCC) is required  in all family law proceedings. It is a private and informal hour-long meeting with a Supreme Court Judge or Master, the parties, and their lawyers. Hiring a…

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)? There are probably as many ADR approaches as there are different types of conflict. Most of the time the process is fluid and the best process may develop with the file. The following is an overview of the ten main types of alternative dispute…

Collaborative Law-Will It Work For Me?

Collaborative Law-Will It Work For Me?

Will Collaborative law work for me? My issues are child support, guardianship and property division. We get along OK, but have had some fights over money. We do not have a lot of spare cash and don’t want to waste what we have. A lot of people prefer collaborative law…

Access and Parenting Time Explained

Access and Parenting Time Explained

Q: I know the law changed recently. What is the difference between access and parenting time? Is guardianship the same as parental responsibilities? A: The new BC Family Law Act (FLA) has made several key changes.  The terms “custody” and “access” have been abandoned and replaced by a broader definition…