Top 10 Ways To Reduce Your Legal Bill
A woman’s journal is open and she has drawn a picture of a dollar sign, as she thinks about how she is going to afford her legal fees.
A woman’s journal is open and she has drawn a picture of a dollar sign, as she thinks about how she is going to afford her legal fees.
Did you know that anyone in B.C. can call themselves a “counsellor” or a “therapist”? If you are looking for a counsellor to help you or your children get through a separation, consider these top 5 suggestions: 1. FIGURE OUT WHAT KIND OF COUNSELLOR YOUR FAMILY NEEDS There are a…
COMMUNICATION TIPS FOR SEPARATION & DIVORCE Talking with an ex-partner can often be difficult, particularly when you are in the middle of negotiating a separation agreement or divorce settlement. Even if you are in an assisted family law process, such as Collaborative Law or Mediation, talking with your ex-partner can…