Does Ongoing Child Support Include University?

Does Ongoing Child Support Include University?

Q: My son starts at UVic in September and will be living on campus. My ex wants me to pay her the ongoing child support as well as pay his school fees. A: Child support for children in post secondary education is a thorny subject. It also leads to a…

Access and Parenting Time Explained

Access and Parenting Time Explained

Q: I know the law changed recently. What is the difference between access and parenting time? Is guardianship the same as parental responsibilities? A: The new BC Family Law Act (FLA) has made several key changes.  The terms “custody” and “access” have been abandoned and replaced by a broader definition…

How Much Child Support and Extra Expenses?

How Much Child Support and Extra Expenses?

Q: What should I pay in child support? My ex is a waitress, so she has a low income on her tax return, but earns tips. How does that work with extra expenses? A: Child support: Child support is governed by the Federal Child Support Guidelines. Normally, these calculate child…