by Jayne on December 2nd, 2015
IN A CAR CRASH TIME MATTERS STEP 1 – After a car crash think “Safety First” It is safe to do so, move the vehicles off the road. If anyone is injured in the car crash, call 911. STEP 2 – Details Record information: Driver’s name, licence number, contact information;…
by Jayne on September 18th, 2015
At what age can a child stay home after school on their own? A B.C. Supreme Court Judge has supported a Social Worker’s conclusion that children under the age of 10 should not be left on their own. This conclusion is based on the September 15, 2015 Reasons For Judgment…
by Jayne on July 29th, 2015
Ex lover of murder victim claims $50 million estate. Xuan Yang claims her baby daughter is the biological child of Gang Yuan whose body was dismembered. B.C. Supreme Court has awarded a Beijing woman the right to have a paternity test from her ex-lover’s remains. The woman, Xuan Yang, contends…
by Jayne on June 27th, 2015
Top 5 Myths About Child Custody MYTH #1. ” Mothers always get custody of the children.” TRUTH: Shared Guardianship is the most common arrangement when the parents are separated. This may not mean equal parenting time, but both parents will be involved in making major decisions for their children. MYTH #2….
by Jayne on June 18th, 2015
Court rejects Mr Big Sting operation in BC murder trial Bradley Streiling was found not guilty of Second Degree Murder yesterday (June 17, 2015), due in part to the presiding Judge’s concerns over a “Mr Big Sting” operation in the case. Streiling’s two-year old step-son, Noah Cownden, died in Victoria…