Privacy Concerns Triggered By Smart TV

Last week, Samsung warned its Smart TV users that the television records users background conversations.  The voice recognition technology, used to change channels or recommend movies for example, records voices in the TV’s vicinity and transmits them to a third party.  Is this a privacy issue? That third party company…

Billionaire Heiress Jailed For Air Rage

Heather Cho, Korean Air heiress and former executive for the airline, was sentenced to one year in prison on February 12, 2015 following what is being called “nut rage”. She has been in custody since December 30, 2014. Ms. Cho, who is also known as Cho Hyun-ah, was aboard a…

UBC Prof Sentenced For Secretly Filming Young Women

Former tenured kinesiology Professor James Rupert, pled guilty to voyeurism after secretly filming women undressing. Mr. Rupert admitted to secretly filming four women, who were at least partially nude, while they changed for a fitness test, between January 14 and April 16, 2014.  The videos were used for his own…

Mandatory Cat License Program Coming To Nanaimo

Should your cat have a license? That is the question many in Nanaimo are asking. Nanaimo city council passed a motion on February 4, 2015, which will require cat owners to license their pets.  Victoria, Oak Bay, and Saanich do not require cat owners to license their pets, while they…

Man Guilty on 27 Count Revenge Porn Indictment

UPDATE April 3, 2015.  Kevin Bollaert was found guilty and sentenced to 18 years in prison for his offences. Kevin Bollaert, a 28 year old San Diego Man, faces up to 20 years in prison for his revenge porn business. The young California man had set up one website that…